Juridic30 martie, 2022

BArD 2022: Timely Perspectives on Energy Disputes and Their Resolution Mechanism

It is our great pleasure to announce that the 3rd edition of the Bucharest Arbitration Days Conference will be held between 9 – 10 June, 2022.

The Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Wolters Kluwer Romania warmly invite you to a highly interactive hybrid event where we expect to attract leading names representing relevant stakeholders in the energy and dispute resolution field: representatives of States, the European Commission, regulatory agencies, energy companies, counsel, arbitrators, and experts.

The keynote speaker, Prof. Peter Cameron – Professor of International Energy Law and Policy, University of Dundee and Director of the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, will address timely issues concerning competition in energy markets.

Experts in six panels will debate upon topics related to energy projects and investment disputes, with focus on infrastructure and energy projects; arbitration as a suitable dispute resolution mechanism for energy disputes; regional approaches to energy projects and dispute settlement, with focus on the EU energy market; the Energy Charter Treaty and its modernization process etc.

The keyword of the 2022 edition of BARD is ‘ENERGY’. This is a word of many meanings, and while we will focus the discussion on the tangible and most relevant one for dispute resolution, i.e. from conventional, fossil based energy to renewable energy, we invite our participants to gather and use their ‘energy’ for informative discussions, lively sessions, social gatherings and initiatives for a better future.

Please check out our full agenda here

Working language: English

Participants will have the option to attend the 2022 BArD Conference in person or virtually.
Official hashtag for this event is #bard2022.

Registration for in-person attendance at the CCIR Business Center, Al. I. Cuza Amphitheatre, Octavian Goga 2, Bucharest, 030982.
Reserve your seat free of charge (depending on seat availability): here

The conference goes beyond physical limits and will be available on the Sintact.ro  live-streamed video platform and on 2022 BArD Conference’s official web page.
Virtual participation, please register for free before June 1, 2022: here

We look forward to welcoming you to BArD 2022!

It is our great pleasure to announce that the 3rd edition of the Bucharest Arbitration Days Conference will be held between 9-10 June, 2022.

The Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Wolters Kluwer Romania warmly invite you to a highly interactive hybrid event where we expect to attract leading names representing relevant stakeholders in the energy and dispute resolution field: representatives of States, the European Commission, regulatory agencies, energy companies, counsel, arbitrators, and experts.

The keynote speakers, Prof. Maxi Scherer - MA, PHD (Paris Sorbonne), LLM Koln – Professor in International Arbitration, Dispute Resolution and Energy Law, and Prof. Peter Cameron – Professor of International Energy Law and Policy, University of Dundee and Director of the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, will address timely issues concerning energy investments, and competition in energy markets, respectively.

Experts in six panels will debate upon topics related to energy projects and investment disputes, with focus on infrastructure and energy projects; arbitration as a suitable dispute resolution mechanism for energy disputes; regional approaches to energy projects and dispute settlement, with focus on the EU energy market; the Energy Charter Treaty and its modernization process etc.

The keyword of the 2022 edition of BARD is ‘ENERGY’. This is a word of many meanings, and while we will focus the discussion on the tangible and most relevant one for dispute resolution, i.e. from conventional, fossil based energy to renewable energy, we invite our participants to gather and use their ‘energy’ for informative discussions, lively sessions, social gatherings and initiatives for a better future.

A detailed agenda will be available in due course once the official event webpage is launched.

Working language: English

Participants will have the option to attend the 2022 BArD Conference in person or virtually.
Official hashtag for this event is #bard2022

Registration for in-person attendance at the CCIR Business Center, Al. I. Cuza Amphitheatre, Octavian Goga 2, Bucharest, 030982.
Reserve your seat free of charge
(depending on seat availability): here.

The conference goes beyond physical limits and will be available on the Sintact.ro live-streamed video platform and on BArD’s official web page.
Virtual participation, please register for free before June 1, 2022: here.

We look forward to welcoming you to BArD 2022!

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