Frequently asked questions

BowTieXP, BowTieXP Enterprise, and IncidentXP all use the same software framework. In this FAQ when we use the term BowTieXP, it also refers to BowTieXP Complete and IncidentXP.

General questions

  • Can I be kept up to date about new releases?
    Yes, just make sure to subscribe to our release mailing to get notifications of new releases. Sign up here.
  • Where can I find testimonials or information from other experts?
    You can find all of our testimonials and expert insights on our Expert Insights page
  • How often are updates and upgrades released?

    BowTieXP has regular updates, addressing bugs. These versions are recognizable by having the same first two numbers but a new third number. E.g. if you have 12.0.5, then version 12.0.6 will have the exact same functionality but less bugs.

    If security vulnerability is discovered, we release a patch as soon as possible.

    If keeping up with the new versions is a challenge, it is advisable to pick a version to stay with for a longer time. Only when users are running into bugs or if critical bugs are discovered and fixed, should a new version with fixes be deployed. To prevent this, it is advisable to wait a while when a new version with new functionality is released before deploying it, allowing more time for bugs to be fixed before that version is deployed.

Software installation questions and activation questions

BowTieXP & IncidentXP

  • Can I Install and run­­ BowTieXP on Apple Mac (OSX)?

    The BowTieXP software is built for the Microsoft Windows operating system. Unfortunately, BowTieXP is not Apple Mac (OSX) compatible. Macs nowadays do have the ability to run Windows software on them. There are two main ways to go about that:

    1. Install Microsoft Windows on your Mac using Boot Camp. You can switch between Windows and OSX, but it requires rebooting.

    2. Emulate Microsoft Windows via a program such as Parallels.

    Our advice is to run BowTieXP on the Microsoft Windows operating system (not emulated) as we support this option and it works best, but we have seen clients successfully use BowTieXP on their Mac by emulating Windows using products such as parallels.

    If cross platform support and device support is of interest to you, you might want to make your bowties easily accessible for viewing by (all) the employees in your organization by using our cloud-based version – a part of BowTieXP Enterprise. BowTieXP Enterprise is independent of operating system, as it is a web solution which runs on your browser. Therefore, it runs on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OSX, but also your iPads and iPhones. For more information, see here: BowTieXP Enterprise.

  • Is BowTieXP compatible with Windows 11?

    Yes, BowTie application works seamlessly on Windows 11.

  • Can I install BowTieXP on a server?
    That depends on what is meant exactly – see the questions below regarding network shares and Terminal Server / Citrix.
  • Can BowTieXP run off a network share?

    Yes, provided the client computers are running Windows Vista or Higher. If the clients are running Windows XP, a change has to be made to the .NET security configuration.

    However, we do recommend working with your Bowtie case file data locally.

  • Can BowTieXP run under Terminal Server or Citrix Server?
    Yes, BowTieXP is fully compatible with Terminal Server and we have reports from customers it runs flawlessly on Citrix. You will need a group locked activation – host locked activation is not supported in this scenario.
  • Does BowTieXP support virtualization?

    This depends on what is meant with virtualization:

    If with virtualization you mean running the software on a remote server and showing the app via the network (also known as desktop virtualization/VDI), then the answer is yes –for Microsoft Terminal Server.  See the questions about Terminal Server and Citrix.

    If virtualization refers to portable application generators like Spoon studio or VMware ThinApp, the answer is no, but this does not mean it will not work – just that we cannot support that scenario. Should any issues present, we will of course try to resolve those but we cannot guarantee we can – some of those applications do some very complex things to the software. We know, we used some of those tools for previous BowTieXP versions.

  • What rights/access does BowTieXP need on the computer to run?

    BowTieXP requires only regular user rights to function. BowTieXP adheres to the Microsoft standards about where to store data. In practice this means:

    Configuration files are stored in the user’s application profile (in %APPDATA%\Governors\BowTieXP).

    Activation data is stored in the local part of the profile (%LOCALAPPDATA%\Governors\BowTieXP).

    If BowTieXP has admin rights it will store activation data in the all users profile / application data path (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Governors\BowTieXP).

    If allowed, a registry entry will be added to HKCR for the file association and protocol handler. The association is stored in HKLM if allowed, else in HKCU.

  • How can I deploy activation keys along with the application/when scripting the application?

    You can place the codes in a text file names activationcodes.dat and place that next to the exe. They will be picked up automatically.  Note that all files which start with activation and end with .dat are considered (activation*.dat). The first working code which is found is used.

    Activation codes for plugins can also be placed next to the exe. The files must conform to the pluginactivation*.dat search pattern.

    You can copy the plugin activation codes file (“pluginactivation.dat”) from one of the below folders and copy it next to the exe:

    %PROGRAMDATA%\Governors\BowTieXP\pluginactivation.dat or


    That ensures the correct format.

  • Activating all the licenses we bought one computer at a time is too much work. Is there an alternative?

    Yes – if your computers are domain computers you can activate the software by making the users members of a dedicated active directory group.

    The group has to be a global or universal security group. A code is generated for this group. The code works for all members of that group.

    The code contains a maximum number of users. If there are more users in the group than the maximum, the software will not run.

  • Group locked - if I change the number of licensed users or the type of license, do I need to update each computer?

    Yes – if you purchase additional licenses, you will be issued a new activation code. This code has to be deployed to each computer where BowTieXP is installed. This can be done by IT updating the scripted installation package or by mailing the users so they can enter the new code manually.

    This is a result of having a licensing mechanism without a central server. This setup operates without a central licensing server, which comes with both advantages and disadvantages.

    One drawback is the need to manually deploy new license codes, which requires additional effort. However, the benefits include not having to install and maintain a license server, adjust firewall settings, or deal with connectivity issues when users go offline.

  • What are the steps to create this group-locked activation code?

    1. Create a user group in Active Directory to hold the licensed accounts: e.g. “BowTieXPUsers”. This can be done on a domain controller using the “Active Directory Users and Computers” MMC applet.

    2. Add all the user accounts which will be licensed into the group.

    3. We will need the group SID/site id (internal numerical group code) in order to calculate an activation code for this group. We will store this code into a small text file called activation.dat, which must be placed next to the BowTieXP executable so it can be found.

    The next step is retrieving this SID/site id. This can be done via BowTieXP, unless the number of groups on the server is very large. Then we recommend using the command line.

    A. Via BowTieXP: Start BowTieXP. The activation dialog will appear. If not, go to Help->Activation Codes. Click the blue link to show site licensing options also. Select the BowTieXPUsers group from the drop down. Send the site id to us.

    B. Via the command line. Open up the command line and issue the following command for your own BowTieXP users group:

    wmic group where name=’BowTieXPUsers’ get sid

    and mail the SID (S-1-5-21-….) back to us.

    4. After receiving the code, we will create an unlock code for you and send this back in a small text file, called activation.dat, which must be placed next to the BowTieXP executable. After this, all members in the group should be able to run BowTieXP.

    Tips for testing:

    Make sure the test user is actually a member of the group (this is often forgotten),

    Group membership changes take effect after log-off and log-on.

  • Is Cloud base AD like Entra ID or Microsoft modern workplace applications like Intune supported by BowTieXP?

    We do not fully support cloud-based Active Directory (AD), such as Entra ID. However, we offer a workaround using a special activation code to enable cloud-based AD.

    This activation code remains valid only for the duration of your support and maintenance (S&M) contract. It is generated based on the contract period and will expire when the contract ends.

    Please contact [email protected] if you have more questions.

  • I get an exception about “no more files” on startup when trying to run BowTieXP deployed/virtualized with App-V

    We have seen this problem when during scripting, one of the directories used by BowTieXP was monitored and should have been excluded. In that case the directory which should have been excluded was:


    After excluding this directory, the software worked correctly.

  • Will group activation still function if my computer is without network access for a long period of time?
  • I am testing BowTieXP group activation but I get the following error: “Activation code does not match any of the current user’s group memberships”.

    Ensure the current user is a member of the activated group. You can verify this by letting BowTieXP show you the current user’s group membership.

    Activation code - group membership

    You can also run this command whoami /groups in command prompt on user’s device and search if the SID or group name is part of the groups displayed. If the group is not on the list, it means the user hasn’t sync into the AD. BowTie application doesn’t determine users synchronization in Active Directory, it is a Microsoft application.

  • The user is added to the group in active directory, but BowTieXP does not pick up this change.

    There are several reasons why the change might not have taken effect yet:

    Active directory servers need to sync before changes are applied. The default schedule is two hours. Wait at least this long and try again, or ask the AD admins to force a sync.

    The group membership info for the current user is only updated when logging on. Please log off and back on again to update the user’s group memberships (the security ‘token’).

    If the activated group is a distribution group BowTieXP will not see it. Ensure it is a security group. You can double check this in AD users and computers by viewing the group properties. Security groups are the default group type.

  • Activation error: Activation code does not match the activated or current host id.

    Before you entered the activation key, the hardware was changed. Perhaps a laptop docking station was attached or detached.


    1. Restore the original hardware situation. You need to close and open BowTieXP after changing this.

    a. If the docking station is connected, unplug the docking station and try again.

    b. If it is disconnected, try connecting it.

    2. If that does not work: Select “lock to this computer with an old host id”.

    a. If the box is empty: enter the original host id sent to us in the activated host id box.

    b. If it is not empty: Try clearing it.

    3. If both fail: Contact us for a new key.

  • How can I script the installation?

    The msi can be with the regular command line options:

    msiexec.exe /i /qb

    If you want to also deploy the dat license file you might need to capture changes to create a deployment script, or manually make sure the dat file is placed next to the exe. Another option is for end-users to enter it manually. Note that BowTieXP has no dependencies other than having the .NET Framework 4.0 (Full Profile) or higher installed. Deployment is xcopy deployment; all the msi does is:

    1. Copy the bowtie.exe file to C:\Program Files\BowTieXP\

    2.  Add a shortcut to the start menu and the desktop.

    A sample script could look like this:

    msiexec.exe /i “%~dp0bowtiexp-5.0.8.msi” /qb

    copy “%~dp0activation.dat” “C:\Program Files\BowTieXP\activation.dat” /y

    The variable %0 in a batch script is set to the name of the executing batch file. The special syntax between the % and the 0 says to expand the variable %0 to show the drive letter and path, which gives you the current directory containing the batch file.

    Note: This sample does not know the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit systems so you might want to take that into account (i.e. copy file to the ”Program Files (x86)” folder instead of to the regular ”Program Files” folder).

  • What prerequisites / dependencies does BowTieXP have?

    BowTieXP (version 9.0 and higher), requires the .NET Framework 4.0 (Full Profile) or higher to be installed. Windows 8 and later come with a new enough version already installed out of the box. On Windows Vista and 7, you need to do this manually, if not yet already installed.

    BowTieXP version 6.2 up to 8.4 require the .NET framework 3.5. Contact us for details.

    If you want to use the import from Thesis function you will need MDAC 2.71 or higher. If you are running Vista or higher this should already be present on your system.

    In Windows XP there’s a tiny chance you might have to update the component.

    Microsoft MDAC FAQ:

  • Can I deploy templates along with the software?
    Yes, just place the btf files in a directory called ”Templates” located next to the executable. They will be automatically picked up and built-in templates will be automatically hidden.
  • Can I install multiple versions side by side? I need to support files which must stay in an old file format.

    Yes you can, contact [email protected] for more guidance on it.

  • How does the auto update work?

    The behavior of the auto-update depends on the way in which BowTieXP was installed.

    BowTieXP can be installed in two ways:

    1. Via the msi

    2. By placing the exe somewhere on the system

    If an update is available, the following will happen if the user requests it / clicks the notification:

    In the first case (msi installed), BowTieXP will download the msi and ask windows to install it, upgrading the old installation. Windows will ask for admin credentials if the current user is not an administrator.

    In the second case (installed from zip file), BowTieXP will download the new exe and replace the current one. If the user has no write access to the exe no attempt will be made (i.e. the update check is notification only, auto-upgrade is not possible).

  • How can I disable the auto-update?
    To disable the auto-update, the read-only bit on the file can be set. This will disable all upgrade functionality. In this case, the software will still check for updates (if requested or if the periodic check is enabled), but it will only be a notification; no attempt at auto-upgrading will be made.
  • How often are updates and upgrades released? What is your release schedule?

BowTieXP Enterprise

  • What hardware requirements are needed for BowTieXP Enterprise to run?

    BowTieXP Enterprise is a relatively lightweight solution. The basic installation and storage of bowtie diagrams doesn’t require a lot of the hardware. If we take our own demo environment as an example which has around 50 bowties in addition to a moderately used audits and incidents module the following hardware configuration is sufficient

    • At least a two-core machine minimum with 8 GB of RAM
    • 32 GB of database storage space

    However, if you are using the audits module and generate and collect thousands of fill-outs, or your user base is uploading a lot of attachments (which usually are large) you might need to increase the hardware specs. We suggest to keep the above configuration expandable if needed.

  • What kind of security does BowTieXP Enterprise use?

    BowTieXP Enterprise normally uses Microsoft’s ASP.NET Core Identity cookie-based authentication and enforces HTTPS (TLS) for secure transmission. Alternatively, you can use Windows authentication (if all your users are in a domain), Azure Active Directory, or OpenID Connect.

    The latter three allow for more complex authentication scenarios (such as single sign-on and two-factor authentication).  How the database is secured is up to the IT department of the customer doing the deployment. We recommend using an encrypted database connection between BowTieXP Enterprise (in IIS) and SQL Server. Server configuration and hardening are also up to the IT department of the customer.

  • FAQ-btxpe installation
  • What kind of Microsoft licenses do I require and how many do I need?

    You will need to contact Microsoft about this as this is complex subject matter and dependent on many variables, such as, but not limited to:

    • Which version and edition of the operating system you will run.
    • Which version and edition of the database you will run.
    • How many servers you will deploy - one web server and one database server, or both on a single machine, or perhaps a redundant setup, or perhaps a farm?
    • How many users you will have – perhaps SQL Server per CPU licensing is most cost-effective, perhaps CALs are most cost-effective.
    • What kind of hardware you will have for your database server? How many CPUs?
    • If you can reuse existing servers and licenses by BowTieXP Enterprise to an existing database server and web server.

    Please contact Microsoft for advice on what you will need.

  • What default passwords can be present in a BowTieXP Enterprise installation?

    There are two default passwords in BowTieXP Enterprise which need to be adjusted during installation and are listed below, as well as some other related things to check:

    • The database upgrade password, in the appsettings.json file. This should be changed during installation. This login allows you to upgrade the database schema when needed and nothing else.
    • The default initial admin password, present in the database. You should change it upon first login. This allows full administrative access to every bit of data in BowTieXP Enterprise.
    • Optionally, the initial repo load/clear database password in the appsettings.json file. If you enabled it, can we assume you also changed it?
    • You might also want to check the OverrideAdmin account name in the appsettings.json file, as it grants admin powers to that user (if Windows authentication, Azure AD Authentication or OpenID Connect authentication is enabled).
  • How do I escape special characters when editing configuration files?
    The configuration file is in JSON format, which is a text format to store data. Some characters are reserved by JSON to describe data structure. If you want to use one of these  characters for configuration, you have to “escape” them by prefixing them with a backslash. In practice, this means that the double-quote characters becomes \” and the backslash character itself becomes two backslashes, like this: \\.
  • I need to ensure the web site will always run. How do I do that?

    In IIS Manager, open the target server and select the application pools node. Check to see if there is an application pool available which uses .NET Framework version v4.0 and has an integrated pipeline. Normally the DefaultAppPool will be fine.

    In the sample below, both the DefaultAppPool and the NET 4.5 are fine to use with BowTieXP Enterprise. Typically, on a new dedicated server, we would use the default app pool.


  • Is there an idea for BowTieXP Enterprise to move away from IIS to self-hosted deployment (e.g. by running an exe)?
    BowTieXP Enterprise already offers the possibility to run an executable in order to work with it. When you download the .zip file from our download page and unpack the contents you will see there is a bowtieserver.exe available. We run on .Net core and with a little bit of configuration (e.g. defining the database in appsettings.json) you can use bowtieserver.exe. However, the CLI can change each version so we do not recommend to document it.
  • Can I install BowTieXP Enterprise into a folder on my site?
    No, BowTieXP Enterprise must be installed into a site root. Note that you can have multiple websites on the same server, but you must have a dedicated website for BowTieXP Enterprise (within  IIS).
  • Does BowTieXP Enterprise work under load balancer, and if so, does it need sticky sessions?
    Yes, BowTieXP Enterprise does work under load balancer. And, yes sticky sessions are required. 

Software questions

BowTieXP & IncidentXP

  • Can I convert diagrams to pdf?
    Yes – either copy the diagram to the clipboard, paste in Word/Excel/Visio 2007 or higher. You can save the file as a pdf from Office. Another option is to print to a pdf printer, but in our experience the Office route offers better image quality.
  • Which Office versions does BowTieXP support?
    We support all office versions higher than Office 2000.
  • Which Visio versions does BowTieXP support?
    We support Visio 2002 and higher. See paragraph 13.4 for Visio diagram exporting details.
  • Can I save files to an older file format?

    This is unfortunately not possible. You might be able to convert a file back to an older version by means of the scrapbook – the scrapbook has somewhat better forward compatibility due to the fact that the scrapbook exchange file format is being kept as constant as possible.

    Unfortunately, after the introduction of BowTieXP Enterprise, some scrapbook file format changes had to be made. Introducing a new file format always leads to the situation where “old” versions of the software will not be able to read the “new” scrap book file format. The “old” scrap book format is supported up to versions 6.2.7 of BowTieXP. The new scrapbook exchange format was introduced in version 6.2.8 of BowTieXP.

    Note: be sure to use the latest version of the target version (i.e. if you need to convert to file format 10.0, be sure to use the latest 10.0 version in this case 10.0.8).

    For example, here are the steps to take to down-convert a file from v5.2 to v5.0
    1)    Open 5.2 and 5.0 side by side and ensure you are running BowTieXP Advanced. Ensure the scrapbook is visible in both. Open 5.2 on the left, 5.0 on the right.
    2)    Open the file to convert in 5.2. Create a new file in 5.0 on the right. Empty ALL the lookup table entries in the destination file.

    How to move items from 5.2 on the left to 5.0 on the right:
    a)    Drag items from the tree view onto the scrapbook in 5.2 (left) onto the scrapbook. Save the scrapbook. In 5.0 on the right, click the load scrapbook button and open the file.
    b)    Drag the items in 5.0 (right) to the correct location in the tree view.

    Note: this mini guide is not verified for completeness / i.e. it might not be an exhaustive list!
    3)    Transfer the contents of all lookup tables, starting from the top and working your way down. Include activities, document links, etc.
    4)    Manually recreate the risk matrices. This has to be done by hand.

    a)    Recreate the categories.
    b)    Recreate the matrices themselves.
    c)    Use the copy matrix function where possible.

    5)    Terminology. Export the terminology from 5.2 to Excel. Try to import in 5.0. Errors will be given, fix each by hand and try until it succeeds. Fixing involves removing lines of terminology which 5.0 does not understand.
    6)    Transfer all incidents and locations using the scrapbook. This is done in the same manner as the lookups.
    7)    Save the spreadsheet if any. Load into 5.0. Check for moved columns and adjust accordingly until the calculations are in order again.
    8)    Verify completeness using the case file compare function.
    9)    Check the following and transfer manually if needed:

    a)    Null value descriptions and colors.
    b)    File property fields (File->Properties).
    c)    Treeview filter profiles.
    d)    Treeview tooltips.
    e)    Diagram display profiles.
    f)    Verify font settings.
    g)    Header and footer layout.

    Now most items should be transferred.

  • Which browsers does BowTieXP Enterprise support?

    We support the following browsers in the current and last version:
    • Edge
    • Firefox
    • Chrome
    • Safari

    Older versions of these are expected to work in most cases as well, but are not officially supported.

    Currently, we still support Internet Explorer as well, but from June 2022, Microsoft will stop supporting Internet Explorer 11. With this in mind, we will stop supporting IE11 from BowTieXP Enterprise version 10.6 onwards. If you intend to upgrade to version 10.6 make sure to prepare your application landscape.

Software challenges

  • Printing does not work/crashes.
    There are some incompatibilities between .NET and some printer drivers, which unfortunately we can do nothing about. If printing does not work for you, please copy the diagram to the clipboard and paste in Word, Excel or Visio and print for there. Excel has very good multi-page printing support.
  • Startup of the software takes very long.

    We have reports from Sophos users that starting the software the first time takes quite long – apparently Sophos wants to take a detailed look. This problem goes away by itself. Otherwise you can whitelist the application in Sophos.

    Note: BowTieXP normally starts in a couple of seconds.

  • When opening BowTieXP, I get an error message about fonts.
    Please install the Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update:
  • I can no longer save documents as pdf if they have bowtie images in it (Office 2007)

    This is a known incompatibility with Office 2007 – the images generated by BowTieXP version 5.0 or earlier cannot be converted to pdf by the Office 2007 pdf add-in.

    This used to work okay but stopped working due to a change in Office, by means of Windows Update, and started in April 2012. Office was changed and now no longer can make pdfs of those documents. There are several resolutions, listed in order of preference:

    Upgrade to Office 2010. Office 2010 does not have this problem.

    Use an external PDF printer – free ones exist such as

    Upgrade to BowTieXP v5.2 and redo the graphics.

Support & Maintenance questions

  • What is included in a Support & Maintenance contract?

    With a valid Support & Maintenance subscription you are entitled to:

    • free updates and upgrades of the software within your license type
    • technical and methodological support  (9 am – 5 pm CET*)
    • free license transfers to another device or another user
    • free webinars to improve your barrier based software skills
    • 10% discount on the Safety Culture & Human Factors course by Prof. dr. Jop Groeneweg
      *Every Monday to Friday with the exception of Dutch bank holidays.
  • What happens if I don’t renew my Support & Maintenance contract?
    • Without a valid Support & Maintenance contract, you are not entitled to upgrade and update your license. This will eventually cause compatibility problems, which affects the functionality of the software.
    • If the Support & Maintenance contract is not renewed the end user of the license is not entitled to use the newest version of the software. The end user is entitled to run the version of the software that was released at the time that the former Support & Maintenance contract expired (or a lower version).
    • Without a valid Support & Maintenance contract, it is not possible to transfer a license (from one end user to another end user).
    • For technical issues that occur due to not having a Support & Maintenance contract in place, we cannot provide support.
  • Is it possible to renew a Support & Maintenance contract that has been expired for a while?
    The Support & Maintenance contract can be renewed even if the old contract has expired for a while, but we do calculate a re-entry fee to cover for the period there wasn’t a valid Support & Maintenance contract in place.
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