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Pediatric Neurology: Essentials for General Practice
- Publication Year:
- 2007
- Edition:
- 1st
- Author:
- Heilbroner, Peter L., MD, PhD; Castaneda, Glenn, MD
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-0-78-176945-7
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Geared to primary care practitioners, this straightforward, practical guide focuses on evaluation and management of common pediatric neurologic conditions.
Coverage includes routine disorders such as headaches, ADHD and school problems, autism, seizures, developmental delays, behavioral problems, tics, changes in gait, and dizziness, as well as neurologic conditions encountered in the emergency room. The authors address everyday questions such as how to distinguish serious from non-serious conditions, whether or not to order an EEG or MRI, what to do when a child does not respond to medication, and how to discuss common concerns with parents. Each chapter includes typical case studies.
Coverage includes routine disorders such as headaches, ADHD and school problems, autism, seizures, developmental delays, behavioral problems, tics, changes in gait, and dizziness, as well as neurologic conditions encountered in the emergency room. The authors address everyday questions such as how to distinguish serious from non-serious conditions, whether or not to order an EEG or MRI, what to do when a child does not respond to medication, and how to discuss common concerns with parents. Each chapter includes typical case studies.
- Focuses on common pediatric neurologic conditions such as headaches, ADHD and school problems, autism, seizures, developmental delays, behavioral problems, tics, changes in gait, and dizziness
- Includes approaches to neurologic conditions encountered in the emergency room
- Addresses the most common and important questions physicians ask including: 1) How to distinguish serious from non-serious conditions, 2) Whether or not to order an EEG, MRI, or other tests and how to interpret results, 3) What to do when a child does not respond to medication, 4) How to discuss common concerns with parents
- Typical case studies in each chapter
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Heilbroner, Peter L., MD, PhD; Castaneda, Glenn, MD
- 978-0-78-176945-7
- Specialty:
- Neurology
- Pediatric Nursing
- Pediatrics
- Primary Care/Family Medicine/General Practice
- Residents
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 1st
- Pages:
- 352
- Publication Year:
- 2007
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