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Manual de bolsillo de tratamiento psicofarmacológico
- Publication Year:
- 2012
- Edition:
- 5th
- Author:
- Sadock, Benjamin J., MD
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-8-41-760284-0
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Provides information on clinical pharmacology in adults, the elderly, pregnant patients and nursing mothers, and children.
The drugs are organized alphabetically to facilitate quick location, and each drug's name, molecular structure, dosing, pharmacological actions, indications and clinical applications, side effects and adverse reactions / allergies is included as well as drug interactions. Early in the book table with the list of drugs and their location in the text, and the most common uses for which each include disorders.
The drugs are organized alphabetically to facilitate quick location, and each drug's name, molecular structure, dosing, pharmacological actions, indications and clinical applications, side effects and adverse reactions / allergies is included as well as drug interactions. Early in the book table with the list of drugs and their location in the text, and the most common uses for which each include disorders.
- Platform:
- Ovid Espanol
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Sadock, Benjamin J., MD
- 978-8-41-760284-0
- Specialty:
- Psychiatry
- Psychopharmacology
- Language:
- Spanish
- Edition:
- 5th
- Pages:
- 320
- Publication Year:
- 2012
- 5 Minutos de Consulta Clínica
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- Topics in Clinical Nutrition
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- Tratado de Medicina Cardiovascular
- Vias de Abordaje en Cirugia Ortopedica: Un Enfoque Anatomico
- Wallach. Interpretación clínica de pruebas diagnósticas