For patients

What is Patient and Member Engagement?

Patient and Member Engagement is a technology solution that your healthcare provider or health plan uses to help you stay healthy. Your physician or health plan uses Emmi programs either by phone or online to provide important information about your health.

Why was I contacted?

You received an email notification to view a Patient and Member Engagement program or an interactive phone call because your healthcare provider or health plan wants to help you be healthy. If you have questions about why your healthcare provider or health plan gave you access to Emmi, please contact them directly. If you are having a medical emergency, please contact 911 immediately.

How do I access Patient and Member Engagement programs?

You can access Patient and Member Engagement programs by logging in here and using your code and date of birth. If you’re having difficulty accessing these programs, please contact support.

Call: 866.294.3664
Email: [email protected]

For UpToDate Patient and Member Engagement customers

A representative is ready to help you, and there’s more than one way to reach us. You can:

Log in to Engagement Manager (formerly EmmiManager®) using your User ID and Password. If you are a new customer and do not have access, please request access here.

If you’re having difficulty logging in, or don’t remember your User ID and/or Password, please contact us.

Call: 866.294.3664
Email:  [email protected]

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