PrepU offers students customized online quizzes to support their coursework and exam preparation.
Over 98 percent of nursing students who used PrepU, an online adaptive learning solution offered by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW), to prepare for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) passed the exam, exceeding the passing average by more than 10 percentage points.
Researchers surveyed students who used PrepU while preparing for the NCLEX, which all nursing graduates must pass in order to practice nursing in the U.S. PrepU offers students customized online quizzes to support their coursework and exam preparation. Nationwide, 87.9 percent of students passed the NCLEX, while 98.7 percent of PrepU users passed. Students who used PrepU passed the NCLEX after answering an average of 104 questions, compared to the national average of answering 121 questions to pass. The NCLEX is a computerized adaptive exam that continues to provide questions until the student achieves a passing standard set by the test creators.
“Our research shows that PrepU students were better prepared for the exam, were able to demonstrate their knowledge more quickly, and were more likely to pass the exam,” said Susan Driscoll, President of Wolters Kluwer Health Professional & Education unit, which includes LWW. “We are excited to have evidence that PrepU is helping students prepare for and pass critical examinations, and ultimately, become nurses with greater knowledge and more confidence in their skills.”