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Therapy for Ocular Angiogenesis: Principles and Practice
- Publication Year:
- 2010
- Edition:
- 1st
- Author:
- Das, Arup; Friberg, Thomas
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-1-60-547640-7
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Covers the basic pathophysiology of ocular angiogenesis and strategies for inhibition.
Ocular angiogenesis, or the abnormal growth of blood vessels in the eye, is the cause of major neovascular eye diseases. In addition, retinal and choroidal neovascularization are the major causes of vision loss in this country. With the new era of anti-angiogenic therapies already in practice, ophthalmologists have started treating many ocular diseases including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal vascular occlusion using anti-angiogenic drugs.
The authors discuss the principles of anti-angiogenic therapy, pre-clinical studies, future drugs on the horizon, drug delivery, and the practice of the therapy in many ocular diseases. Vision researchers in both academia and industry, as well as clinician scientists, have contributed chapters on different aspects of the angiogenic process, and clinical strategies to fight it. The book also includes chapters that deal with diabetic macular edema, and various therapeutic options for this condition.
Ocular angiogenesis, or the abnormal growth of blood vessels in the eye, is the cause of major neovascular eye diseases. In addition, retinal and choroidal neovascularization are the major causes of vision loss in this country. With the new era of anti-angiogenic therapies already in practice, ophthalmologists have started treating many ocular diseases including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal vascular occlusion using anti-angiogenic drugs.
The authors discuss the principles of anti-angiogenic therapy, pre-clinical studies, future drugs on the horizon, drug delivery, and the practice of the therapy in many ocular diseases. Vision researchers in both academia and industry, as well as clinician scientists, have contributed chapters on different aspects of the angiogenic process, and clinical strategies to fight it. The book also includes chapters that deal with diabetic macular edema, and various therapeutic options for this condition.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Das, Arup; Friberg, Thomas
- 978-1-60-547640-7
- Specialty:
- Ophthalmology
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 1st
- Pages:
- 464
- Publication Year:
- 2010
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