Compliance12월 18, 2024

Security State Bank & Trust: Serving the needs of the community

Wolters Kluwer TeamMate had an opportunity to sit down and meet with Cele Romero, Chief Internal Audit Officer of Security State Bank & Trust, to discuss how TeamMate+ has helped Mr. Romero and the rest of his audit team find continued success:

  • Greater efficiency and consistency throughout the audit process - from scheduling and planning, to testing, document requests, reporting, and eventual wrap up.
  • Providing management with the correct information needed to make decisions about the business and the organization.
  • Utilizing the rules that are built into TeamMate+ to assist with overall project management and scheduling.
Having a tool like TeamMate+ that is capable of aggregating everything that you've done in totality over the last month, quarter, and year — however you want to break it down and have that information accessible — is invaluable.
Cele Romero, Chief Internal Audit Officer, Security State Bank & Trust

Download the Case Study

Inside this case study, you'll learn how Security State Bank & Trust chose TeamMate over the competition to add the greatest value to the organization and achieve their goal of continued growth.
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