Certificate of Good Standing for a Domestic Nevada LLC or Corporation
A Nevada Certificate of Good Standing (referred to as a Certificate of Existence) for a domestic LLC or corporation certifies the legal existence of the entity in Nevada and that it is up to date with the state’s required documents and fees. It typically includes the following information:
- Entity name
- Entity type (i.e., Limited liability company, corporation)
- The entity was organized under the laws of Nevada
- Formation or incorporation date
- Confirmation of good standing status at the certificate date
Certificate of Good Standing for a Foreign Nevada LLC or Corporation
An out-of-state LLC or corporation that is registered to do business in Nevada can request a Certificate of Existence as evidence that it is authorized to transact business in the state. The document can include the following information:- Entity name
- Entity type (i.e., Foreign limited liability company, foreign corporation)
- Registration date
- Confirmation of good standing status at the certificate date
Certificate of Legal Existence or Good Standing
$94 +state fees*
What is a Certificate of Good Standing in Nevada (NV)?
A Certificate of Good Standing certifies that a statutory entity, such as an LLC or corporation, legally exists and that it is in compliance with certain state requirements, such as filing annual reports and paying any necessary state fees.
In Nevada, a Certificate of Good Standing is also referred to as a Certificate of Existence and is issued by the Nevada Secretary of State’s office. This document may also be referred to as a Certificate of Status in other states.
Why is “good standing” important for your business?
Being in good standing allows a corporation, LLC, or other statutory entity in Nevada to maintain the rights and privileges of doing business in the state. A business may need to provide a Certificate of Good Standing (or the equivalent) when expanding to other states or for financing, business transactions, and licensing. The consequences of losing good standing can include fines, the inability to file a lawsuit, the inability to do business in other states, and the administrative dissolution of a business.
When do you need a Certificate of Good Standing in Nevada?
A business may need to obtain a Certificate of Good Standing if it plans on expanding to other states as this document is typically required as part of the foreign qualification process. For example, a Nevada LLC wishing to do business in California would need to furnish a Nevada Certificate of Existence and have a California registered agent for service of process as part of the registration process for a foreign LLC in California.
Lenders, investors, and vendors can also require a Certificate of Good Standing before doing business with a company. You may need the certificate for licensure or other business transactions like mergers or acquisitions.
How do I obtain a Certificate of Good Standing in Nevada?You can order a Certificate of Good Standing (Existence) online today from CT Corporation or contact us for additional information.