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ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy! Pocket Guide
- Publication Year:
- 2016
- Edition:
- 3rd
- Author:
- Coviello, Jessica Shank
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-1-49-635216-3
- Doody's Star Rating®:
- Score:
- 76
Also Recommended
Use this enjoyable reference for at-a-glance reviews of how to use and monitor ECG equipment, obtain and interpret rhythm strips, and accurately spot and treat arrhythmias.
Full of helpful charts, illustrations, and easy-to-relate-to definitions, this is the perfect on-the-spot guide for students, new nurses, and all those looking for expert guidance on the job.
Features include:
Full of helpful charts, illustrations, and easy-to-relate-to definitions, this is the perfect on-the-spot guide for students, new nurses, and all those looking for expert guidance on the job.
Features include:
- NEW and updated content in quick-read, bulleted format, with easy-to-remember guidance on topics including: Identifying and interpreting atrial, junctional, ventricular, sinus node, and atrioventricular arrhythmias; ECG effects of electrolyte imbalances; ECG effects of antiarrhythmics; and Basic and advanced electrocardiography, including equipment uses and components
- Dozens of photos, drawings, and diagrams clearly outline key concepts, including:?8-step method of ECG evaluation
- Identifying and monitoring disorders, rhythm disturbances, and electrolyte imbalances
- Placement of different types of leads
- Identifying and solving monitor problems
- Interventions – Administering nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic treatments for arrhythmias, including pacemakers, ICDs, and antiarrhythmics
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Coviello, Jessica Shank
- 978-1-49-635216-3
- Specialty:
- Cardiology
- Critical Care
- Critical Care Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Medical/Surgical Nursing
- Pathophysiology
- Skills & Procedures
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 3rd
- Pages:
- 304
- Publication Year:
- 2016
- Doody's Star Rating®:
- Score:
- 76
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