Finanza e Gestione08 maggio, 2020

Modern Financial Reporting: una delle più grandi sfide esecutive di oggi

Leggi il blog per scoprire perché un moderno reporting finanziario è fondamentale, non solo per soddisfare i requisiti normativi, ma anche per fornire una guida al business!

What is the purpose of financial reporting

Consider the following advantages offered by a comprehensive reporting solution:

  • Information management. An effective solution provides tracking and auditing of all data and automates the management of updates and changes. Ideally, the solution also has workflow management, giving all involved insight into work progress and deadlines.
  • Data importing and exporting. To meet detailed reporting requirements, finance teams must incorporate data from multiple system sources. A reporting solution should have the capability to easily import (and export) data from ERPs, financial systems, or other important legacy systems in a company’s technology ecosystem.
  • Collaboration. Advanced financial reporting requires collaboration from across the enterprise. A solution should make it easy and intuitive for business users to collaborate, provide data and comments for any reporting need. 
  • Easy-to-read output. The ability to use familiar tools, such as Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint decks, or Word documents, to display report results increases understanding of results. Additionally, the ability to combine numbers with text explanations and/or graphic support can help the finance team more effectively communicate important points. The solution should also make it easy for any business owner to access reports specific to his or her business needs at any time, without requiring additional finance resources.
  • A single source of truth. This is the most important advantage of a comprehensive reporting solution because it minimizes compliance risk and gives C-suite executives and other business stakeholders consistent and reliable information they can trust. Built-in financial rules and the ability to handle currency conversions further increase reporting consistency.

In short, a modern business demands modern financial reporting – not only to meet regulatory requirements but also to provide operational, financial, and strategic guidance. As finance executives assume more strategic responsibility, they must be able to provide meaningful and timely information and insights that all stakeholders can absolutely rely on and trust.

Discover more about the CCH Tagetik solution for  Advanced Analytics & Dashboarding !

Leslie Cant
Product Marketing Director - CCH Tagetik

Come Product Marketing Director, Leslie è la responsabile della global product marketing strategy tra i varie aspetti di cui si occupa c’è la product positioning, le relazioni con gli analisti, la creazione dei contenuti, il supporto ai sales e thought leadership.

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