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APA PsycExtra® a gray literature database, is a companion to the scholarly APA PsycInfo®. Most of the content was written for professionals and disseminated outside of peer-reviewed journals. APA PsycExtra® includes abstracts and citations plus full text for a major portion of the records. There is no coverage overlap with APA PsycINFO.
Devoted to curating and indexing hard-to-find content from authoritative sources, APA PsycExtra allows researchers to go beyond traditional peer-reviewed research materials. Discover the latest conference proceedings, newsletters, reports, patient-oriented factsheets and brochures, magazines, monographs, standards and guidelines, and more.
APA PsycExtra includes scholarly material publshed prior to the peer-review process, such as conference proceedings and papers, technical and annual reports , government reports, policy statements, and white papers; as well as material never intended for scholarly use, but very beneficial to the research process. These include newsletters, magazine and newspaper articles, press releases, consumer brochures, fact sheets, pamphlets, and grant papers.
Devoted to curating and indexing hard-to-find content from authoritative sources, APA PsycExtra allows researchers to go beyond traditional peer-reviewed research materials. Discover the latest conference proceedings, newsletters, reports, patient-oriented factsheets and brochures, magazines, monographs, standards and guidelines, and more.
APA PsycExtra includes scholarly material publshed prior to the peer-review process, such as conference proceedings and papers, technical and annual reports , government reports, policy statements, and white papers; as well as material never intended for scholarly use, but very beneficial to the research process. These include newsletters, magazine and newspaper articles, press releases, consumer brochures, fact sheets, pamphlets, and grant papers.
- Supplements traditional peer-reviewed journals and professional books, making it a preferred source for more recent research than what is typically found in journals and books
- Includes hard-to-find materials, including new innovative reports and monographs, ground-breaking conference papers, and more
- Keeps researchers, students, and clinicians up-to-date on the latest developments by uncovering and indexing materials well before the research appears in other publishing outlets
- Discover the most current research findings from highly respected organizations, including:
- Leading academic and research institutes
- National, state, and regional psychological associations
- Federal and state agencies
- Foundations
- International organizations
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- American Psychological Association
- Product Type:
- Database
- Specialty:
- Psychology
- Language:
- English
- Update Frequency:
- Bi-Weekly (Fortnight)
- Data Type:
- Bibliographic with Abstracts
- 100 Cases in General Practice
- Alzheimer's Care Today
- APA PsycTests®
- Biomedical Safety & Standards
- Clinical Scenarios in Surgery: Decision Making and Operative Technique
- Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology
- Dementia.
- French's Index of Differential Diagnosis: An A-Z
- Glaucoma: Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology
- International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA)
- International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA)
- Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
- Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing
- Journal of Hospital Medicine
- Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
- Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
- Liver Transplantation
- Neurology Clinical Practice
- Neuro-Ophthalmology - Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology
- Operative Techniques in Spine Surgery
- Orthopaedic Nursing
- Quality Management in Healthcare
- Rehabilitation Nursing
- Retina: Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology
- Techniques in Neurosurgery Extended Archive
- Topics in Clinical Nutrition
- Topics in Language Disorders
- Visual Diagnosis and Care of the Patient with Special Needs
- Washington Manual of Critical Care