TeamMate software is used by thousands of organizations around the globe. Learn why they chose TeamMate for their internal audit, controls, and data analytics software solutions.
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法務3月 10, 2025
Security State Bank & Trust:地域社会のニーズに 応える
Wolters Kluwer のTeamMateは、Security State Bank & Trust の最高内部監査責任者であるセレ ロメロ氏のインタビューを行う機会を得ました。インタビューでは、ロメロ氏と監査チームのメンバーが成功し続けるためにTeamMate+がどのように役立っているかについて話し合われました。
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ケース・スタディ法務12月 17, 2024KCAA: Elevating communication with TeamMate+担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Working with TeamMate+, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority were able to increase efficiency through the quick creation of working papers and improved communication with stakeholders, overcoming a variety of challenges.
ケース・スタディ法務12月 11, 2024A new era of automation for GA Insurance with TeamMate+担当:TeamMateのお客様事例GA Insurance's audit function has benefited from engaging with TeamMate+ through improved automation, resource allocation, and the standardization of working papers.
ケース・スタディ法務12月 04, 2024KenGen: Powering efficiency with TeamMate+担当:TeamMateのお客様事例TeamMate+ has enhanced the efficiency of Kenya's largest electricity generating company by streamlining reporting and follow-up, and improving accessibility to audits across a global team.
ケース・スタディ法務12月 03, 2024I&M Bank streamlines audit documentation with TeamMate担当:TeamMateのお客様事例TeamMate+ has transformed I&M Bank's audit function by creating an organized environment of clear documentation, evidence, and reports, all accessible in one place.
ケース・スタディ法務8月 14, 2024バーガーキング:TeamMate+ による価値と効率性を実現担当:TeamMateのお客様事例ブラジル全土でバーガーキングとポパイズのフランチャイズレストランを展開するZAMP S.A.は、全体的なコンプライアンスを確保し、より高いレベルの効率性を実現するために、TeamMate+の使用を開始しました。
ケース・スタディ法務5月 17, 2024ING: TeamMate+ によるコンプライアンス担当:TeamMateのお客様事例INGのCQA部門は、TeamMateと連携し、グローバルな監査手法と、強化された報告基準による効率性の向上を実現しています。
ケース・スタディ法務5月 10, 2024トレド大学- 小さなチームが大きな成功を収める担当:TeamMateのお客様事例カレッジ大学レベルで業務を行うトレド大学では、内部監査チームの小規模なチームにとって、効率性の向上が最優先事項となっています。
ケース・スタディ法務4月 01, 2024BRFとTeamMate+:進化し続ける内部監査をナビゲートする担当:TeamMateのお客様事例様々な文化や地域で働く内部監査スタッフを管理することは困難な場合があり、リソースの集約が必要です。特に、複数の規制機関の厳しい審査に応じるとなるとなおさらです。
ケース・スタディ法務1月 17, 2024Large insurance company gains efficiencies with TeamMate+ Data Exchange API担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Internal audit teams will find greater overall success when enabling system-level collaboration to help address real or potential risks and stay consistently aligned with key stakeholders.
ケース・スタディ法務10月 04, 2023Places for People — Delivering insights, sharing foresights担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Places for People utilizes TeamMate Analytics and TeamMate+ reporting API to create opportunities and enrich the community by investing in the future and working to solve the UK’s housing crisis.
ケース・スタディ法務2月 23, 2023TeamMate Analytics、シンガポール航空と共にテイクオフ担当:TeamMateのお客様事例シンガポール航空は、Wolters Kluwer TeamMate Analyticsを使用して、保有機材の維持と近代化にかかるコストを監査し、グループのニーズを満たす一貫性を確保しています。
ケース・スタディ法務1月 25, 2023The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office fulfills its mission and demonstrates that government audit work matters担当:TeamMateのお客様事例The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office uses TeamMate+ to align their work practices with the dynamic shifts of public sector auditing.
ケース・スタディ法務環境、社会、ガバナンス12月 01, 2022Establishing credibility and delivering value to the organization with TeamMate Analytics担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Find out how TeamMate Analytics helped Arizona G&T Cooperative's internal audit team analyze and discover hidden risk.
ケース・スタディ法務11月 21, 2022日産自動車の内部監査チーム、将来を見据えたソリューションTeamMateを導入担当:TeamMateのお客様事例この事例では、日産自動車の課題と、TeamMate+ Auditが日産自動車の内部監査機能をどのように変革したかをご紹介します。
ケース・スタディ法務7月 06, 2022Enhancing the internal audit experience in the life sciences and advanced technology industries担当:TeamMateのお客様事例TeamMate+ Dimensions helps turn one life sciences and advanced technology company's internal audit team into a relevant partner.
ケース・スタディ法務6月 17, 2022Intuitive and user-friendly audit management system benefits student learning curve担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Learn how TeamMate has been an invaluable tool for a Hawaiian University by helping manage the complexities that come with the university's eight-year audit cycle.
ケース・スタディ法務6月 17, 2022Mortgage company’s internal audit team gets a seat at the table as a trusted advisor担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Once the audit team was in place, the Internal Auditor focused on selecting an automated audit management system to replace the manual tools they were currently using. Choosing Wolters Kluwer’s TeamMate+ audit management software was the ideal fit.
ケース・スタディ法務6月 02, 2022Natuzzi streamlines its internal audit function to reflect the same level of precision they apply to their furniture designs担当:TeamMateのお客様事例In the last few years, Natuzzi has transformed its internal audit function to provide streamlined support to the business, with the help of TeamMate+.
ケース・スタディ法務3月 04, 2022The Salvation Army’s path to risk-based auditing担当:Major Stephen M. Kelly, MBASeveral years ago, our organization’s International Headquarters in London issued a mandate that we begin “risk-based auditing,” without any definition of what exactly that meant. I’m familiar, of course, with definitions from groups such as the IIA.
ケース・スタディ法務11月 19, 2021TRATON SE & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例When TRATON SE's central internal audit team needed a flexible tool to support assurance across these disparate subsidiaries, it chose TeamMate+.
ケース・スタディ法務11月 04, 2021Maus Frères & TeamMate+ Audit with integrated analytics担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Maus Frères is a company with a long history in the retail sector, focusing on quality products, client comfort and satisfaction, and always looking forward. Internal audit is no exception.
ケース・スタディ法務9月 28, 2021Aon and TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例How TeamMate+ transforms Aon’s internal audit team from watchdog to trusted advisor.
ケース・スタディ法務9月 02, 2021Santa Rosa Rancheria Tachi Yokut Tribe and TeamMate Analytics担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Lopez says the goal of his internal audit team is to continually strengthen and improve the growth of their business partners. And TeamMate Analytics is helping them do just that.
ケース・スタディ法務8月 17, 2021Change management: How one audit team ensures consistent onboarding担当:TeamMateのお客様事例This case study describes how one multi-national organization overcame that challenge by using TeamMate+.
ケース・スタディ法務6月 16, 2021How data analytics helps internal audit evolve担当:TeamMateのお客様事例As a government services provider, this organization’s internal audit team adheres to a risk-based audit approach to manage its ever-changing regulatory demands.
ケース・スタディ法務5月 12, 2021Bilfinger SE & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Auditors at Bilfinger SE have established strong rapport with management that they need to add real value to the business
ケース・スタディ法務5月 06, 2021Ferrero & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例The onset of the coronavirus pandemic created an impetus to complete audits faster and more flexibly, while working remotely, so the new system was put to the test immediately for Ferrero.
ケース・スタディ法務3月 05, 2021Köln Bonn Airport & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例When the head of internal audit at Köln Bonn Airport realised that his team would not be able to fulfil its duties without more rigorous, consistent processes and more efficient use of data and reporting, TeamMate+ helped him to achieve this.
ケース・スタディ法務6月 29, 2022Knorr-Bremse AG & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Knorr-Bremse’s reputation depends on technical excellence and reliability, so its internal audit team needed a solution that could help them stay one step ahead.
ケース・スタディ法務12月 08, 2020OneAZ Credit Union and TeamMate Analytics担当:TeamMateのお客様事例OneAZ implemented TeamMate Analytics, a powerful, Excel-based audit analytics tool designed for ease of use by every auditor on the team regardless of their IT skill level.
ケース・スタディ法務5月 27, 2020Bank of Cyprus and TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Panayiotis Koumousis, manager IT audit & data analytics for the internal audit division, Bank of Cyprus, explains how TeamMate+ is helping to woo auditees and management.
ケース・スタディ法務2月 21, 2020Marathon Oil Company & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Hear about how using TeamMate has made Aaron Spack and his colleagues' jobs easier at Marathon Oil Company.
ケース・スタディ法務更新された2月 21, 2025Aviva and TeamMate+: Helping 33 million customers look to the future with confidence, since 2012担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Learn how TeamMate+ has helped Michael Ray and his global audit department at Aviva, a leader in digital insurance, work as one diverse team under a single empowering software solution.
ケース・スタディ法務2月 21, 2020Baylor University & TeamMate Analytics担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Hear about how easy-to-use and beneficial TeamMate Analytics has been for Rob Carter and his colleagues at Baylor University.
ケース・スタディ法務2月 21, 2020Mohegan Sun Resort and Casino & TeamMate+ AuditMohegan Sun calls TeamMate+ “the heart and soul” of its internal audit department.
ケース・スタディ法務2月 21, 2020Horace Mann & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例“These days we’re able to work more effectively, despite having fewer available resources,” says Staci Crane, Director of Internal Audit for Horace Mann.
ケース・スタディ法務2月 21, 2020Louis Group & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例The Louis Group the company’s Internal Audit department automated their audit processes which helped them: Save time and gain efficiencies and save costs and become paperless.
ケース・スタディ法務2月 21, 2020North Dakota Office of the State Auditor & TeamMate担当:TeamMateのお客様事例With TeamMate, the State Auditor’s Office now has a centralized repository that houses all the audits in one location. This facilitates greater collaboration and ensures a consistent, reliable work product is produced.
ケース・スタディ法務11月 30, 2020Willis Towers Watson & the dimensions of TeamMate+担当:TeamMateのお客様事例As a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company, Willis Towers Watson advises other organisations on how best to manage the challenges they face and thrive in a competitive marketplace.
ケース・スタディ法務更新された5月 27, 2020Mizzi Organisation & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Giancarlo Millo chose TeamMate+ when setting up an internal audit function for Mizzi. Find out how he was able to pull together disparate businesses, maximize efficiency, and grow the function.
ケース・スタディ法務12月 19, 2019Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例The gaming industry is heavily regulated and has very strict compliance requirements and the role of Internal Audit is continually evolving to meet those standards.
ケース・スタディ法務更新された3月 30, 2021Atlantic Union Bank & TeamMate担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Atlantic Union Bank, attests that TeamMate has assisted their internal audit department in many ways, including issue tracking and management, automation, and risk assessments.
ケース・スタディ法務7月 01, 2019Farm Credit Canada and TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Farm Credit Canada was the first company in Canada to implement TeamMate when they purchased the audit management system in 1996. They were also the first to use TeamCloud hosting services in Canada, which allows access to the platform on the web.
ケース・スタディ法務8月 14, 2019Americo & TeamMate+ Audit担当:TeamMateのお客様事例Find out how TeamMate+ helps Americo deliver nearly 100% auditor utilization.