Willkommen zur UpToDate User Academy (Nutzerakademie)

Herzlich willkommen! UpToDate ist das einzige Unterstützungssystem für klinische Entscheidungen, das mit besseren Behandlungsergebnissen in Verbindung gebracht wird.

Mit dieser Akademie möchten wir Ihnen die Anmeldung, den Zugriff auf und den Einstieg in UpToDate in Ihrem Krankenhaus erleichtern. In den Anleitungen und Videos lernen Sie schnell, wie Sie Antworten auf Ihre klinischen Fragen erhalten können.

Die neuesten Ergänzungen und Verbesserungen finden Sie auf der Seite UpToDate Releases (nur auf Englisch).

Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, ob Ihr Krankenhaus über UpToDate verfügt, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Administrator oder an den Kundenservice von UpToDate.

Getting started

Learn how to get started with an UpToDate account available through your organization*. Explore overview materials, and learn how to register for an account through your organization, maintain access, and use the UpToDate mobile app.
* UpToDate is available at institutions licensing UpToDate. Check with your administrator to see if your organization licenses UpToDate.

Searching and navigating

Learn how to quickly and easily find answers to your clinical questions using UpToDate. In this section, learn how to conduct a search and navigate a topic.

Clinical tools

Explore helpful UpToDate features and tools like graphics, calculators, patient education, and clinical updates.

Drug referential content and tools

The drug and drug interactions databases in UpToDate add another level of knowledge to clinical practice and help improve the quality and safety of care. In this section, learn how to search and navigate drug referential content, how to use the drug interactions tool, and how to utilize a hospital formulary integrated into UpToDate.

Earning and redeeming CME and MOC

Put time spent researching clinical questions with UpToDate toward continuing professional development requirements. In this section, learn how easy it is to earn and redeem CME/CPD, and fulfill MOC/CC requirements.

UpToDate Advanced*: Pathways and Lab Interpretation

UpToDate Pathways provide interactive guides to help you make appropriate decisions related to specific clinical questions based exclusively on content synthesized from UpToDate and the underlying evidence in society guidelines and in the literature. In cases where abnormal lab results may raise questions, Lab Interpretation monographs enable you to more quickly and accurately interpret and decide on next steps.
* Available at organizations licensing UpToDate Advanced
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