Is updating ICD-10 codes taking too much time?

Healthcare organizations are under pressure to update their systems with ICD-10-CM code changes to meet CMS deadlines. The frequency of these updates is increasing. In 2022, we had four unexpected releases, adding 805 new codes! Each update means a lot of work for your team, including downloading, distributing, formatting, analyzing, configuring, reviewing, and approving.

For many healthcare organizations, annual code set updates are a manual, time-consuming process involving several teams and many, many spreadsheets. It is estimated that it takes one full-time engineer at least 10 hours to update one dataset with over 25 reference tables and/or value sets.

healthcare terminology platform can help

Wolters Kluwer partners with health systems and health plans to improve the process of implementing the ICD-10 code updates. Join the health plans and health systems that are already seeing the benefits:

  • Over 90% reduction in time to process updates, cutting the time from 6-8 weeks to just a few hours!
  • 75% efficiency improvement, by simplifying the number of ways business teams were update code sets from 12 down to 3.
  • Improved collaboration, clarified ownership, and established accountability to ensure claims are processed in a timely manner.

Our team of clinical terminology experts understands how big of an undertaking it is to update ICD-10 codes across the healthcare ecosystem. Contact us today to transform your process!

90% reduction in time for code set updates

A large, southern health plan needed help updating ICD-10 codes that feed their claims payment systems. In fact, the ICD-10 code updates released were too much for them to process, so they found themselves unable to pay claims come October 1.

After implementing Health Language solutions, they found a 90% reduction in time to process updates, cutting the code processing time from 6-8 weeks to just a few hours!

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