What is Process Safety Management Software?

Process Safety Management software applies the use of safety management tools to harmonize and digitalize key PSM processes and bridges gaps between administrative management of change processes and on-site PSM improvements, while comprehensively visualizing risk across the enterprise.

An Integrated Process Safety Management Solution

Process safety and occupational (or worker) safety are different. Process safety refers to the prevention of unintentional releases of chemicals, energy, or other potentially dangerous materials that can have a negative effect on people or the environment. While occupational safety focuses more on people, behaviors and human psychology, process safety focuses more on procedures, operations, equipment, facility design, and engineering in order to prevent high-profile process safety incidents like Piper Alpha in 1988 and the Deep Water Horizon environmental damaging spill in 2010.

Integrate with key processes like Management of Change and Process Hazard Analysis, Competency and contractor Management and mitigate hazards across your operation.

Explore all aspects of the Enablon Process Safety Management solution

  • Protect Workers
  • Ensure regulatory compliance
  • Integrated BowTie Analysis
  • Perform centralized analyses
  • Integrated Platform
  • Increase Risk Awareness

Solutions that fit your needs

Explore the specialized and market-leading Enablon software applications designed to meet all aspects of your Process Safety needs.

  • Barrier Management
    Barrier management provides a holistic overview of the new (near) real-time state of control measures across site and enterprise. Integrating with various inputs through APIs, Barrier Vision calculates cumulative risk levels, projects these in a heat map on integrated site graphics, and allows operators to take action based on this previously hard-to-access data.
  • Barrier Visualization
    Enablon Barrier Visualization provides an overview of how barrier categories function. Collect relevant barrier data from multiple sources and connect it to a standard barrier model. Then drill down into underlying data to understand the reasons behind degradation and what required actions must be taken.
  • Chemical Management
    Manage chemical inventories and materials, and keep track of all substances throughout all your locations. Comply with regulations on chemicals from around the world. Protect the safety of workers and the environment through the proper storage, handling, transportation and disposal of chemicals.
  • Chemical Inventory
    Maintain accurate inventories of chemical substances at a single facility or across a global enterprise. Access information about stored materials at any time with continually updated databases. Track shipments and transactions of chemicals and audit inventories by site. View inventories by storage types and conditions. Improve purchasing efficiency and production scheduling with an integrated data system that eliminates the need for multiple databases and manual data entry.
  • Contractor Safety
    Manage contractors and related safety issues, and make sure they follow the same safety standards as your organization. Gain visibility over all contractors and contract works, analyze incidents and benchmark contractor safety performance against industry peers.
  • Incident Management
    Ensure optimal workplace safety, minimal operational disruption and out-of-the-box regulatory compliance with our industry-leading Incident Management software application.
  • Management of Change (MOC)
    Inconsistent change management practices increase risk and can lead to incidents and property damage. Enablon's Management of Change (MOC) solution allows companies to manage organizational changes and changes to procedures, processes, equipment, products, etc., in order to mitigate risk, ensure proper procedure methodology and regulatory compliance.
  • Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)
    Implement a Process Safety Management framework, and identify, evaluate and control hazards associated to processes using hazardous chemicals. Perform and access all facilities' PHAs, using consistent risk matrices across all PHAs. Analyze trends and identify the highest risks across the organization.
  • Risk Management
    Manage the effects of uncertainty on your organizations' objectives. Go beyond compliance and gain a competitive edge by improving operational and business performance through effective risk assessments. Proactively identify and mitigate enterprise and operational risks. Ensure a consistent approach to risk management.
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
    Enhance incident investigation by going beyond highlighting symptoms to identify the fundamental cause of a problem. Generate insights that help prevent repeat incidents with out-of-the-box methodologies (5-Why, ICAM, Significant Risk Decision Tree, and Control/Barrier Analysis). Configure custom RCA methodologies that adapt to business processes. Target improvement opportunities and use Timeline Investigation to identify contributing factors plus push to cause analytics. Build continuous improvement into processes and systems by identifying and eliminating the source of problems.

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