It's not complicated. It's just intelligent.
Value for our clients
Creates full data transparency
Clients using Intelligent Invoice Conversion have visibility into 100% of their legal invoices with the level of detail needed to review and analyze any part of legal spend.
Saves time
Our process converts an invoice with all its line items and returns it in roughly 72 hours or less.
Saves money
Converted invoices are run through the full e-billing process with billing guideline enforcement on all line items, giving clients the ability to review and adjust bills like an electronic invoice. When coupled with LegalVIEW® BillAnalyzer, legal cost savings and billing compliance increase.
Streamlines the process
Converting invoices faster and submitting them to run through your e-billing system adds consistency and predictability to the process of receiving, reviewing, and paying legal bills. Law firms send their invoices to you as they always have, and submitting them to Wolters Kluwer for conversion to a LEDES file is quick and easy.