From the monograph, clicking on the patient education tabs will display the patient education document (adult or pediatric) for that drug. This document can be navigated using the same three methods used to navigate a drug monograph: (1) the left panel Navigation Tree; (2) the "Jump to Section" drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the content panel; or (3) scrolling the document using the right-side scroll bars.
The patient education leaflets are written at a consumer level and can be viewed in English and Spanish, or in additional languages, if included with your subscription. To view the document in a different language , click on the "Switch Language" drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the content panel. Available languages will be displayed using this menu.
To print the document, click on the "Print" link in the upper right corner of the content window and a list of the available printers to which your computer is connected will be displayed.
Note: Patient education content is intended for use by healthcare providers to assist in their education and counseling of patients and non-professional caregivers. Content is intended to supplement but not substitute for or replace professional verbal counseling or any other information provided by physicians, nurses, pharmacists, or other healthcare professionals. Content is not intended to be a sole or primary source for healthcare professionals to use in familiarizing themselves with important information about medications and conditions.