Legislative Decree No. 231/01: Organization, Management and Control Model

The Board of Directors of Società Servizi Holding S.r.l. Group, Tagetik Software S.r.l. and Gruppo Servizi Information Technology S.r.l., issued and approved the Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01. The provisions of the Model and of the related Code of Ethics (see related documents) are to be considered applicable to all persons who work and collaborate with the aforementioned companies.

In order to ensure the effective application of the provisions of the Organization, Management and Control Model, a Supervisory Body has also been set up for each company, composed of Dr. Marco Basalisco, Chairman and Mr. Luca Rossi, Member. The Supervisory Body will have the task and the authority to carry out specific audits and controls aimed at ensuring compliance with the Organization, Management and Control Model. Furthermore, the Supervisory Body may be contacted at any time by sending an email to the following address: tgk-dl-organismodivi@wolterskluwer.com, as provided for in the Model itself.

Code of Ethics

In 2012, CCH Tagetik adopted the following Code of Ethics, which clearly sets out the values and ethics that the company wishes to pursue and disseminate inside its organization such that what is specified in this document acts as a guide and reference for all business activities. By adopting this Code of Ethics, CCH Tagetik wishes to inform outsiders of the principles and rules of behavior of the Company and its subsidiaries, which reinforce and give concrete expression to the general principle of legality, understood as respect for all laws, regulations, administrative measures and in general all regulatory provisions in force from time-to-time.

Report SOC 1 SSAE18, ISAE3402 and SOC 2 ISAE3000 Type II

Tagetik Software Srl implemented and regularly updates reports SOC 1 SSAE18, ISAE3402 and SOC 2 ISAE 3000 Type II.
SOC 1 is a control report for organizations that offer services and covers the internal control of financial reports.
SOC 2 is a report that evaluates information systems in terms of security, availability, processing integrity and confidentiality.
SOC reports are applied in Tagetik Software Srl as the company provides services On Cloud.

Agile Transformation

CCH Tagetik has decided to implement the Agile Transformation to be more adaptive and reactive towards the market and to fill the gap between business and development. The steps to achieve the goal have been the following:

  • Adoption of recognized agile and lean models;
  • Build teams that are self-consistent and autonomous in releasing value to the market;
  • Set quality standard goals and ensure implementations meet these targets;
  • Facilitate self-organization and collaborative leaderships;
  • Promote technical and functional growth of the product.
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