Ochrona zdrowia22 grudnia, 2022

Exploring a path to personalized dosing with pharmacogenomics

Pharmacogenomics – understanding how each patient’s individual genetic attributes affect their responses to medication – can dramatically improve our ability to get each patient the right medicine in the right dosage at the right time. At Wolters Kluwer, we believe innovative technology can and should solve these problems. To give pharmacists the tools they need to advance precision medicine, our Sentri7 team is collaborating with Lexicomp clinical experts to address these problems. 

In this video, Steve Mok, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCIDP describes why integrating scientifically tested algorithms into trusted tools are a game-changer for precision dosing and personalized medicine. 

Learn more about Sentri7® Clinical Surveillance solutions
Exploring personalized dosing
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UpToDate Lexidrug
Rozwiązanie oparte na dowodach dotyczące leków, stosowane w przepływie pracy i w podróży
Klinicyści wybierają UpToDate® Lexidrug™ dla informacji o lekach opartych na dowodach, aby wspierać mądre i bezpieczne decyzje dotyczące leków. Badania pokazują, że Lexidrug jest preferowanym rozwiązaniem odnoszącym się do leków dla zespołów opieki.
Manager of Pharmacy Services and Fellowship Director
Dr. Steve Mok has over a decade of experience in the areas of antimicrobial stewardship, infectious diseases and clinical pharmacy management. He has practiced in a variety of settings.
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