source: Centre for Human Rights, University of Warsaw
Professor Mirosław Wyrzykowski was born on 1 April 1950 in Ciechanów. In 1971 graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Warsaw University. He was awarded his juris doctor's degree from the Warsaw University in 1975, and a habilitated doctor's degree in 1986. Since 1991 a professor of the Warsaw University, chairing the Comparative and Economic Law Division of the Institute of Legal Administrative Studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Warsaw University. From 1996 to 1999 Deputy Dean and from 1999 to 2001 Dean of the Faculty of Law. In 1988-1990 Head of the Department of Constitutional Freedoms and Rights in the Office of the Commissioner for Citizens Rights. In the period 1990-1993, and 1996-2001 member of the Prime Minister's Legislative Council. From 1996 to 2001 Director of the Centre for Constitutionalism and Legal Culture at the Public Affairs Institute. In the period 1999-2001 member of the Legal Advisory Committee of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In November 2001 the Sejm of the Republic of Poland appointed him judge of the Constitutional Tribunal.
In the period 1990-1995 a professor at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in Lousanne and since 1997 visiting professor of the Central European University in Budapest. Lecturer among others at universities of Paris (Sorbonne), Bonn, Sydney, Konstanz, Bayreuth.
Member of the Legal Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. President of the Polish Section of the International Legal Sciences Association. Member of several scientific councils such as Legal Sciences Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences, National School of Public Administration, Institute of Sciences on State and Law and the Legal Administrative Studies Institute at the Warsaw University.
Author of numerous publications (monographs, articles, and other works in Polish, and other languages) on administrative and constitutional law.