Wolters Kluwer, globalny lider w dziedzinie informacji dla profesjonalistów, oprogramowania i usług, opublikował Raport Roczny za 2024 rok. Raport prezentuje strategiczne inicjatywy w ramach dywizji Legal & Regulatory, kładąc nacisk na transformacyjną rolę sztucznej inteligencji (AI) w usprawnianiu sposobu pracy prawników.
CMS, największa kancelaria prawna w Polsce, wykorzystała rozwiązanie Wolters Kluwer oparte na AI, Lex Kompas Orzeczniczy, aby poprawić efektywność researchu prawnego. Andrzej Pośniak, Partner Zarządzający w CMS, oraz Tomasz Prus, Innovation Catalyst w CMS, dzielą się swoimi spostrzeżeniami na temat wpływu Lex Kompas Orzeczniczy na sposób i efektywność pracy w kancelarii.
Enhancing Legal Research Efficiency at CMS Poland with AI – Lex Kompas Orzeczniczy
CMS is the largest law firm in Poland, renowned for its comprehensive legal services. In a firm of this size, legal research plays a crucial role in developing effective legal arguments and ensuring efficiency. Analysing case law often involves reviewing hundreds of judgments, identifying relevant excerpts, and assessing their significance. To streamline this process, CMS has integrated Lex Kompas Orzeczniczy, an advanced AI-powered legal research tool provided by Wolters Kluwer.
“The implementation of Lex Kompas Orzeczniczy has significantly changed the way our team analyses court rulings. It is one of the few AI-based tools that has been seamlessly integrated into our legal research process in Poland, and has demonstrated tangible effectiveness in practice,” says Andrzej Pośniak, Managing Partner at CMS in Poland.
Previously, preparing a legal opinion –– particularly in complex commercial cases where variations in case law are critical — meant manually searching through judgments to identify relevant excerpts. Now, thanks to AI-driven automatic suggestions of similar judgments, identifying broad trends in case law is much faster and more efficient.
“One of the most impressive features of Lex Kompas Orzeczniczy is its pre-trained machine learning algorithm, which automatically highlights key sections of documents that require analysis. This allows our lawyers to immediately identify important legal principles, key legal arguments, and potential uncertainties. As a result, they can efficiently extract essential information from voluminous legal texts,” adds Tomasz Prus, Innovation Catalyst at CMS in Poland.
The tool is particularly useful for drafting legal opinions, preparing court submissions, and for assessing litigation risks. The ability to quickly check the validity of judgments helps to avoid referencing overturned decisions, thereby increasing the accuracy and reliability of our legal arguments.
Wolters Kluwer LR Poland facilitated the smooth integration of Lex Kompas Orzeczniczy into CMS’s legal research processes. Comprehensive training was provided to ensure that the CMS team could make full use of the tool’s functionalities. As a result, the firm is able to respond more efficiently to client needs and prepare for litigation more effectively.
The introduction of AI-powered tools for case law analysis not only saves time but also improves the quality of work, enhances the ability to predict trends in court decisions, and allows lawyers to focus more on case strategy and client interaction. Lex Kompas Orzeczniczy represents a significant step forward in the efficiency of legal research and reinforces CMS’s commitment to innovation and excellence in the practice of law.
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