SzkolenieKsięgowość i podatki
CCH® IntelliForms®
Learn how to access forms, instructions, and CCH® Publications within CCH IntelliForms. You will learn how to locate, view, complete and print forms, schedules and instructions for commonly used federal, state, city, sales tax, and payroll forms.
Course Objectives
- Locate, populate, and save interactive forms
- Understand the Client Forms Manager to access forms saved for your client
- Understand the Client View Manager to manage your workflow
- Create, store, and apply profiles for your clients and their forms
- Link to and from research explanations
Who Should Attend?
Anyone preparing tax forms using the CCH IntelliForms product.
Program Information
- Program Level: Basic
- Prerequisites: None
- Advanced Preparation: None
- Read Policies
Recommended CPE
- By request only
- Taxes — 1 credit
- $55 per CPE certificate requested
Register Now
- Web-based
- Complimentary, Multi-client Training (MTS)