Polski Proces Cywilny [Polish Civil Procedure] is a quarterly for to the academia and for those practically involved in the administration of justice. It discusses issues from the area of civil procedural law, including the questions of conciliatory courts and mediation, as well as insolvency and restructuring proceedings. Its aim is to present opinions on important practical and scholarly issues relating to interpreting, applying, and enacting civil procedural law. The efforts of the Editorial College are also aimed at maintaining a balance between the scholarly and practical aspects in the publications in Polski Proces Cywilny.
The author receives 70 points for a publication in Polish Civil Procedure
(according to the Annex to the Communication of the Minister of Science of 5 January 2024, regarding the list of academic journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, issued on the basis of Article 267(3) of the Act on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018, Polish Journal of Laws [Dziennik Ustaw], consolidated text: 2024, item 1571, as amended).
The journal is included in the international European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH+) database.
The journal is indexed in the Scopus database.
The journal is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2023 (ICV 2023 = 62.90).
The journal publishes articles, essays, case law reviews, commentaries, analyses of practical legal issues, detailed reviews of major works published in Poland and selected books published abroad, papers on the proposed normative solutions, and information about events important for those interested in the procedural law in Poland and abroad.
The assumption is that the journal should facilitate discussions, exchanges of views and opinions, presentations of proposed solutions concerning the applicable regulations or as the directions of their possible changes in the future.