Retired professor of criminal law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, for many years Head of the Department of Criminal Law and professor of WSPiA University of Rzeszów.
Author of about 180 scientific publications, commentaries, monographs and articles. One of the most outstanding specialists in the field of criminal law in Poland. Main legal interests include: axiological and constitutional foundations of criminal law, principles of criminal liability, issues of guilt and punishment, civil rights and freedoms, and human rights.
Among a wide variety of functions exercised, the following need to be mentioned: Vice-President of the National Electoral Commission in the June 4th, 1989 elections, Judge (since 1989) and President of the Constitutional Tribunal (1993-1997), Chairman of the Legislative Council of the Prime Minister (1998 - 2000), Ombudsman (2000-2006) and Chairman of the National Electoral Commission (1990-1993), Chairman of the Criminal Law Codification Commission (since 2009), Vice-Chairman of the Commission for the Reform of Criminal Law, which developed the draft of criminal code of 1997. Active member of the Polish Academy of Learning, the Polish PEN-Club and the Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg.
Honoris causa doctorate of the universities in Mainz (1996), Vilnius (2004) and the Medical Academy in Wroclaw (2005). Honorary professor of the Jagiellonian University (2018). Awarded the A.v. Humboldt Prize for outstanding achievements in the development of criminal law and democracy (2003) and the Totus Award for spreading Christian culture in the field of law. In 1997, awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, the Grand Cross of Merit with the Star of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Order of Merit with the Star on the Sash of the Republic of Austria, and the Order of the Grand Duke Gedymin of the Republic of Lithuania. In 2002, awarded St. Brother Albert’s medal for aiding the disabled.

Selected publications:

Bezradność: interdyscyplinarne studium zjawiska w kontekście zmiany społecznej i edukacyjnej (co-author), 2005
Chrześcijanin w nowoczesnym państwie, 2006
Europejskie obywatelstwo a problem tożsamości europejskiej, 2003
Formy stadialne i postacie zjawiskowe popełnienia przestępstwa (co-author), 2007
Kodeks karny. Komentarz (co-author & science editor), od 1998
Materialnoprawna problematyka warunkowego umorzenia postępowania karnego, 1973
Odpowiedzialność karna lekarza za niepowodzenie w leczeniu, 1988
Od dyktatury do demokracji i z powrotem. Autobiograficzna rozmowa o współczesnej Polsce (co-authored by Marek Bartosik), 2018
Okoliczności wyłączające bezprawność czynu (zagadnienia ogólne), 1982
Polskie prawo karne (co-author), 1995
Polskie prawo karne. Część Ogólna (co-author), 2010
Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich – zadania konstytucyjno-prawne oraz funkcje publiczne w zakresie wspierania społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w Polsce, 2005
System prawa karnego. T. IV cz. 1 (co-author)
Zasady odpowiedzialności karnej, 1998
Please find the complete list of publications on the website:

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