In this consultative session, our experienced consultants will guide the firm eSign
Administrator(s) through the process of creating an AssureSign Document Template to support sending the firm’s
Engagement Letter for electronic signature and using the AssureSign Bulk Send utility to send the engagement
letter in bulk for electronic signature. We assume that you have taken the prerequisite CCH eSign course(s) and
have set up your firm’s AssureSign account.
While this course will focus on sending Engagement Letters in bulk you can apply what you learn in this session
to bulk sending other documents for electronic signature.
Type: Single-client training
Who should attend: Firm staff responsible for sending engagement letters in bulk
Advanced preparation: None
Prerequisites required: eSign Setup
Prerequisites: eSign for Business Returns 8879 and Other Documents
Field of study: Computer Software & Application
Program/course level: Basic
- Create an AssureSign Document Template for your firm's engagement letter forms and documents for electronic signature
- Define a CSV Bulk Send Template
- Track bulk-sent engagement letters through the electronic signing process
- Download and save electronically signed engagement letters