Professor Ewa Bagińska is a full professor of law (2015), She graduated in law in 1995 (Nicholas Copernicus University) and obtained her PhD (1999 at NCU) and her habilitation degree (2006 at NCU) in civil law. She has also completed judicial apprenticeship (1997). She was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar (1998/1999) and held a NATO Science Fellowship (2000/2001) at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC. Presently she is the head of the Department of Civil Law at Gdansk University. Since 1999, she has been working on the harmonisation of tort law in European countries, being a member of the European Centre for Tort and Insurance Law in Vienna and a Polish member of the European Group on Tort Law. She has given lectures at several dozen international conferences and congresses; she has lectured as a visiting professor at European universities (e.g. Coimbra, Florence, Pisa), CUA in Washington and the Jagiellonian University.Professor Baginska is an international expert in the area of civil law, in particular tort law, and consumer protection law. She has authored six books as well as almost 200 other contributions on civil liability, medical law, consumer protection and comparative European law and American law. She is particularly devoted to the comparative method. She was member of the Commission for the Codification of Civil Law (for the term 2015-2019). She is Associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law and the European Law Institute.

Selected recent publications:

Bagińska E. (ed.) Damages for Violations of Human Rights. A Comparative Study of Domestic Legal Systems. Series Title: Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, Vol. 9, Springer Verlag 2016

Bagińska E. , Parchomiuk J., Odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza w administracji, w: R. Hauser, Z. Niewiadomski A. Wróbel (red.) System Prawa Administracyjnego, t.12, CH Beck INP PAN Warszawa 2016, wyd. 2 uaktualnione i poszerzone , ss. 709.

Bagińska E. (red. nauk) Wielka Encyklopedia Prawa. tom X: Prawo medyczne., wyd. Ubi societas ibi ius 2016

Bagińska E., Tulibacka M. 'Poland'. In International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Tort Law, ed. I. Boone. Alphen aan den Rijn, NL: Kluwer Law International, 2018 updated

Nesterowicz, M., Bagińska E., den Exter A., Poland, In International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Medical Law, ed. Dr H. Nys. Alphen aan den Rijn, NL, wyd. 6 uakt., Kluwer Law International -Wolters Kluwer 2020 updated

Bagińska E., Teoria odpowiedzialności częściowej (proportional liability) jako koncepcja sprawiedliwego rozłożenia ciężaru odpowiedzialności deliktowej (wprowadzenie do problematyki) – Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze 2016, t. 35

Bagińska E., Umowy o udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych zawierane między NFZ a świadczeniodawcami (Rozdział IV § 13, pkt III), (w:) W. Katner (red.), System Prawa Prywatnego, t. 9, Prawo zobowiązań - umowy nienazwane, wyd. 3, C.H. Beck INP PAN Warszawa 2018, s. 430-464

Bagińska E., Developments in Personal Injury Law in Poland: Shaping the Compensatory Function of Tort Law, 8 Journal of Civil Law Studies (2015). 309-353.

Bagińska E., Prawo umów konsumenckich w strukturze kodeksu cywilnego, Transformacje Prawa Prywatnego 2017, nr 2

Bagińska E., Ślufińska P, A Polish perspective on liquidated damages and the fairness of contract. Comment on Cavendish Square Holdings BV v Makdessi and ParkingEye Ltd v Beavis. European Review of Private Law 2017, vol. 1

Bagińska E., Kompensacja krzywdy osób najbliższych w razie poniesienia przez poszkodowanego ciężkiego uszczerbku na zdrowiu – przegląd rozwiązań europejskich, w: Rozprawy z prawa prywatnego. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Wojciechowi Popiołkowi, red. nauk. M. Pazdan, M. Jagielska, E. Rott-Pietrzyk, M. Szpunar, Wolters Kluwer Warszawa 2017,

Bagińska E., Majkowska-Szulc S., Causation as a requirement for the Member State liability under Art. 7 TEU in conjunction with Art. 2 TEU, w: Europarecht, Beiheft 1/2018 ed. A. Hatje/L/ Tichy, Liability of Member States for the Violation of Fundamental Values of the European Union, NOMOS 2018, s. 119-137

Bagińska E. Legal regulation of crowdfunding in Poland, w: Rapports Polonais : XXe Congrès International de Droit Comparé = XXth International Congress of Comparative Law : Fukuoka, 22-28 VII 2018 / ed. Biruta Lewaszkiewicz-Petrykowska, Łódź : Wyd. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018

Bagińska E., liability of financial supervisory authorities – a comparative overview, Studia Iuridica Toruniensia 2018, vol. 23, nr 2

Bagińska E., Prawo deliktów w przyszłym kodeksie cywilnym (propozycje założeń), Państwo i Prawo 2019, nr 10

Bagińska E., Product liability in Poland, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 2019, no 5

Bagińska E. The borderlines of tort law in Poland, w: The borderlines of tort law: interactions with contract law, (red.) Martin-Casals Miquel, Principles of European Tort Law, 2019, Intersentia Cambridge-Antwerp-Chicago 2019

Bagińska E. Prescription in tort law in Poland, w: Prescription in tort law. Analytical and comparative perspectives, (eds.) I. Gilead, B. Askeland, Intersentia, Cambridge-Antwerp-Chicago 2020

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